
Flushing Out the Bad Guy

The tendency to find the culprit when a wrongdoing occurs seems to be so automatic as to be deemed instinctive.  Just track down and find the perpetrator of the offense and the issue can be settled; we can all sleep secure in the knowledge that we’ve cracked the case.  In this case, the wrongdoing is […]


What’s Cooking   We’ve just finished giving our customers tastes of our new Moroccan Chicken and Vegetarian tagines.   The feedback we received was very enthusiastic as regards the flavors, and we’re taking the accompanying suggestions and applying them to the meals in order to create the most satisfying dining experience we can.   We’re applying […]

Reading the Nutrition Facts Label

With the growing awareness of healthy eating, the consumer already has one ally available to him/her:  the Nutrition Facts label.  All commercially sold food items are required by law to have a readily visible Nutrition Facts label on the packaging so that the public is made aware of the nutritional values associated with a particular […]

Food Choices are Critical Following a Cancer Diagnosis

The following post was written by Jillian McKee, Outreach Coordinator at Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance, and used with her permission A healthy diet is a critical part of your healing and recovery after facing a cancer diagnosis. The power of nutrition is not to be underestimated when nourishing your body towards rehabilitation from cancers such as […]

Balancing Act

In response to the obesity problem in this country and the “quick fix” attitude that most Americans have, the low carb diet is becoming ever more popular.  When you deprive your body of carbohydrates through diet, the liver responds by creating carbohydrates from proteins – through a process known as glycogenesis – by removing the […]

No Apps for That

“Easy weight loss; there’s an app for that.  Each time you click on it, you instantly lose five pounds.” I thought it was the greatest idea ever until my girlfriend had her phone stolen.  The thief pressed the app repeatedly.  Within moments and right before my eyes, my girlfriend vanished into thin air. In this […]


By comparison, all other attributes pale in importance when reflected against the sacred chalice of good health.  Indeed, topping the list of life’s great gifts is the endowment of health.   Running parallel with feelings of physical well-being is the mental equivalent: an unblemished positive perspective and a strong sense of worth, an appreciation of life’s […]